November 10, 2009

More Macro

I was going through my photos in Lightroom, and I noticed I missed a macro photo from my post the other day! And it was my favorite one! I <3 Macro!


November 9, 2009

Nature: Deer

A couple blocks from where we live, the mountains meet the street. And sometimes if you get lucky the wildlife meets the city. Usually in Southern California the wildest it gets is squirrels. But at the top of this street the deer from the local hills like to come down an put on a show.

I had seen two boy deer when I drove by earlier and when Doug mentioned taking the dog on a walk around the neighborhood I couldn't help but bring my camera in hopes that the deer were still there. Unfortunately the boys weren't around, but six of there girlfriends were!

They were amazing. I could practically walk right up to them and pet them! They were just so beautiful!










November 6, 2009

Pizza Night!

Tonight Doug decided to make pizza from scratch.

But not just any pizza.

Grilled Pizza!

Did I mention he's obsessed with his BBQ?


Mmmmmmmm toppings.....


For those who know me... can you guess which ones mine?


If you guessed pepperoni, mushroom, olive.... you were right! So yummy!


And the one covered in everything is Doug's :)


I love having a husband that knows how (and loves to) cook :)

November 5, 2009


I thought I'd do a little something different this week, so I played around with some Macro shots. Enjoy!




I've never done textures before, so I thought I'd give it a try! Thoughts?


November 4, 2009

I finally did it!

Somehow I missed buying a pumpkin before Halloween. Which meant I missed out on carving a pumpkin for Halloween. It also meant I missed out on my favorite fall snack: homemade roasted pumpkin seeds. Which made me sad.

And then we went to the market on Monday. They had nice sized pumpkins for $1. That's right... A DOLLAR. One Buck. 100 pennies.

So, I bought one.

Isn't it pretty?


Ok, so it was the one on the top of the stack. But I still think it's cute.

So I cleaned out all the seeds and got them ready for roasting!


Spread them out to dry up a bit...


Coated them in salt and stuck them in the oven.


And then removed them when they were golden brown.


Doesn't this picture make your mouth water? Umm, I might just run back and finish the rest of them right now...


I'm not one for making pumpkin pie or anything from the rest of the pumpkin... so I carved it!


It's not fall without this big smiling face!



And as a side note... cut a whole somewhere in your pumpkin big enough for you to light the pumpkin without burning your hand off. It took me about 6 tries.

Or you could be smart and buy long matches....


November 2, 2009

Holiday Deals!


Can you believe there are only 52 days until Christmas?

I guess that means it's about time for some holiday deals!

Family Session (up to 4 people): $40
- 1 hour of shooting
-1 disc of high resolution edited images (Color and Black & White)
- 1 disc of low resolution images for web sharing

Couple/Kid Session (2 people): $20
- 30 minutes shooting
-1 disc of high resolution edited images (Color and Black & White)
- 1 disc of low resolution images for web sharing

*Sessions must be booked for dates before December 18th*

November 1, 2009

Nature: Hike

Doug had been pestering me for weeks to go on a hike with him in our local hills. First I was sick, then I had to work, then something else came up. This last weekend came and it seemed like we finally had some extra time to go! Plus we are dog sitting for my parents, so we had a fuzzy friend to go with us! (Warning: There may be tons of puppy photos over the next two weeks. I can't help it. She's just so cute and knows how to smile at a camera!)

We decided to start out on a trail that I had been on once. Doug tried finding it on every trail map of the area that he could find, but it just didn't seem to exist! But that didn't stop us! We were going to try it anyways.

After a couple wrong turns we finally found the correct trail. I blame the fallen tree!


I remembered from the last time that this trail led to a waterfall. Well, with this being Southern California and all, this is all we found:


Doug decided that he would try and see if there was anything above the "waterfall", but since I didn't feel like killing myself or the dog on the cliff, we did a puppy photoshoot instead :)







Isn't she adorable?


Doug survived his journey up the cliff. He found nothing. Too bad...
