November 4, 2009

I finally did it!

Somehow I missed buying a pumpkin before Halloween. Which meant I missed out on carving a pumpkin for Halloween. It also meant I missed out on my favorite fall snack: homemade roasted pumpkin seeds. Which made me sad.

And then we went to the market on Monday. They had nice sized pumpkins for $1. That's right... A DOLLAR. One Buck. 100 pennies.

So, I bought one.

Isn't it pretty?


Ok, so it was the one on the top of the stack. But I still think it's cute.

So I cleaned out all the seeds and got them ready for roasting!


Spread them out to dry up a bit...


Coated them in salt and stuck them in the oven.


And then removed them when they were golden brown.


Doesn't this picture make your mouth water? Umm, I might just run back and finish the rest of them right now...


I'm not one for making pumpkin pie or anything from the rest of the pumpkin... so I carved it!


It's not fall without this big smiling face!



And as a side note... cut a whole somewhere in your pumpkin big enough for you to light the pumpkin without burning your hand off. It took me about 6 tries.

Or you could be smart and buy long matches....



Yelena R. said...

I've always wanted to carve a pumpkin...but never got the chance to! I do love roasted pumpkin seed though :)