May 26, 2009

Andrea: Graduation

Andrea became best friends with my little sister in middle school. They both went to different high schools, but our families became close friends. They join our family for our giant Thanksgiving every year. They are practically like family.

Then it came time for college. Andrea decided to come to Cal State Northridge, where I was going! She was on the fast track to graduate in 3 years. We discovered that we both needed to take an Astronomy Lab the same semester, so we took it together! I don't think either of us would have walked out of that class with an A if it wasn't for the other one. I knew how to work the computer and she could figure out the math. Perfect team! Through that class we discovered how much we had in common and have become wonderful friends.

Andrea, we are all so proud of you! It takes a lot of determination to graduate in 3 years. You are going to go so far!

So now onto the photo shoot!

Andrea and I headed over to the park near her house to get some nature shots. She was such a good sport and hopped on the swings in her robe and hid in the bushes for me.

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After the park, we headed into Downtown Burbank for some city shots and a yummy mall food court lunch!

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And last but not least, I had to show off the card I made for her. I was so happy with how it turned out! Everything on the front of the card was hand cut by me... now you know what I do when I'm not photographing thing ;)

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Andrea, Thank you for being my first subject!


Jenna said...

I love the angle on that first shot, it's very unique.